about KnowUr.Biz
What we are
KnowUr.Biz is an expert company specializing in effective knowledge management. Our passion is curves and statistics, inconsistencies and exceptions, correlations and causal relationships. We want to find the reasons and explanations behind the numbers. Why one thing rolls and rocks, why another thing doesn’t work. We study our customers' data and make discoveries from it, and if necessary, we enrich the data already accumulated with some external data, which gives us completely new insights. For example, we have often managed to predict the number of our customers' future customers or find explanations for why a goal has not been reached. And based on that, the customer has been able to change its operations to anticipate the impact of such events on business in the future.
Where it all started
In the beginning there were three co-workers Antti, Jari and Karri. We met and became friends in the bread of a common employer. In time, each path led elsewhere, but we kept in touch and more and more often thought about setting up a joint venture. The ideas took their time and when the opportunity came we hit the nails together. The experience of each other as employees, the trust built on a strong foundation and the complementary abilities and personalities made the dream possible. The company has its roots in sports, we also continue to work in the construction of sports venues and additional services under the name Sport Venue. When working with sports, we realized the need to better understand the behavior of sports customers and the challenges in managing a property. We wanted to help our customers with these things and we engineered our approach in light of the numbers. This is how the Analytics tool was born, which our customers also got excited about. The tool has been developed and lessons learned have been taken into account, today the tool is known as KnowUr.Biz (know your business), aka KUB.
What we are now
We offer our expertise in knowledge management to companies regardless of size and industry, as well as to public sector actors. KUB is an advanced software and platform for managing organizational data, regardless of data source. KUB makes data analysis, automatic alarms and reporting easy. Artificial intelligence suggests action when meters alarm, but implementation remains with the human. In short, KUB enables fact-based management of operations.
We help our customers in other ways as well. A journey into the culture of knowledge management can be started with our help by mapping the possibilities of your own organization. Our software can be used independently and its analyzes can be utilized in the management and development of operations. We can also be called upon to help implement a new way of working in an organization, train company employees to become analytics masters, or if a customer’s passion is for actual doing, our professionals can handle the analysis and make fact-based suggestions for action improvement and proactive response in a changing environment.
Where are we going
Data, analytics, machine / artificial intelligence, facts, calculations, forecasts, etc. are already here and we are professionals in this area. We want to help our customers get on the sled, stay in it and take the lead. We will continue to develop the KUB software and the related product family so that our customers can easily access the benefits of the development and the parts that are essential to them.
Our vision is strong forward, our goal is to enable the utilization of information management, information management and data analysis for all types of organizations, private companies, the public side, large and small actors, without limiting the geographical area.
Our mission is twofold. We want to help different organizations make decisions based on the right and relevant information in their day-to-day making. This will reduce unnecessary expenses and increase cash flow. Easy-to-implement knowledge management enables an organization to focus on its core competencies and innovate new products and services. Effective, proactive and changing decision-making increases the competitiveness of companies and enables growth. So we want to help companies and other organizations succeed through knowledge management.
We also want to make decision-making transparent within organizations and thereby increase the opportunities for employees to influence their own work. This increases the job satisfaction and commitment of the staff. And when you feel comfortable at work, your whole life is happier.
Here we are!
Anu-Maria, David, Jarno, Antti, Jari and Karri. We have a total of decades of experience, even more enthusiasm. In spare time, one of us works in association activities, another influences in swimming teams, a third rages on a motorcycle, a fourth sings, a fifth enjoys good food and a sixth spends his time at the cottage. In our work, we find an innovator, analysts, coders and customers' creditors.
contact details
Office Finland
e-mailadres: info@knowur.biz
phone number : +358 44 733 2488
Sorinkatu 4c
33100 Tampere
KnowUr.Biz (Finland) is part of Sport Venue
Business ID: 2448996-3

OVT-tunnus: 003724489963
Operaattori: ​003708599126 (OpenText)
Paperilaskut osoitteeseen:
KnowUrBiz Oy
PL 69494
01051 LASKUT